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CERN-PHOTO-202301-009-1 ↓ The Single Mode Laser or the Single Frequency Laser is a low cost single longitudinal mode efficient laser for use in spectroscopy, optical metrology communications amongst others. The picture shows the setup along with the expert behind the technology.

CERN-PHOTO-202301-009-28 ↓ The Single Mode Laser or the Single Frequency Laser is a low cost single longitudinal mode efficient laser for use in spectroscopy, optical metrology communications amongst others. The picture shows one initial beam (green), and the second beam (yellow) after conversion, crossing.

OPEN-PHO-LIFE-2021-017-14 ↓ CERN’s data corridor seen in the picture shows the Organization’s incredible data storage and analysis capabilities. Rucio is a modular data management solution originally built for CERN but is highly scalable, and can be used for different communities in the scientific domain like high-energy physics, astronomy, biology or anywhere else requiring large data storage and discovery.

KTTGROUP-PHO-TECH-2023-002-13 ↓ Ultralight Cold Plate (UCP) can be used for the cooling of power dissipating elements and has potential applications in drug production and other areas with need for cryogenics expertise.

CERN-PHOTO-202210-176-8 ↓ The Structured Laser Beam (SLB), a low-cost laser, originally used at CERN for ultra-precision alignment, has further potential applications in metrology, interferometry, communication, for optical tweezers and in marking of packaging.

CERN-PHOTO-202210-176-1 ↓ The Structured Laser Beam (SLB), pictured here with the one of the experts working on its development. It is a low-cost laser, originally used at CERN for ultra-precision alignment, has further potential applications in metrology, interferometry, communication, for optical tweezers and in marking of packaging.

OPEN-PHO-TECH-2020-002-17↓White Rabbit (WR) is a technology developed at CERN to provide sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds precision of synchronisation for the LHC accelerators chain. The expert is seen here working on the WR technology, which could be used in industries including telecommunications, financial markets, smart grids, space industry and quantum computing.

CERN-PHOTO-202305-119-2 ↓ Mockup of a White Rabbit installation with several switches and optical fibers visible. The White Rabbit technology provides sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds precision of synchronization for large distributed systems. It also allows for deterministic and reliable data delivery.
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